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Dua'a to be recited after
every Sala'at
Fajr Z'uhr - Asr Maghrib - Isha AFTER FAJR SALAT pray the (following) DU-A'A after Fajar salat, to disperse enemies. Recite 4 Quls then recite this DU-A'A. [O the master of slaves, O the annihilator of armies, O he who opens the doors (of opportunities), o the causer of causes, originate o basis for us (mention desires) which we may not make serve us on our own, for the sake of - "There is no god save Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger." - blessing of Allah be on him and on all his children.] [I being the day, O Allah, taking refuge under your out of reach and safe shelter where neither can harass nor ambush (me the evil of) any unjust persecutor or preyful assaulter, easy to be found, among your creation, irrational tongue-tied plotters and articulate brutes seeking false pretexts to commit crimes (against humanity). Clad in armour of the love of the Ahl ul Bayt of your prophet I have been rendered secure against evil schemes, walled in and kept with in the well fortified walls erected on the foundation on sincere heart and soul declaration of their rights and inseparable attachment to their friendship, knowing for certain that truth belongs to them, (it is) along with them in them and around them. Whoso loves them is my friend, I forsake those who drift away from them; so my Allah keep me safe from every evil that threatens me, O the all mighty come between me and my enemies just as you set up the sky and the earth, and barricate their approach unto us from all sides, make them swoon and faint inside the fence so that they do not know what to do.] [O Allah, I beseech you to let me have faith in you, and acknowledge the truthfulness of your prophet; (and I beseech you to keep me safe) from all misfortunes; (and let me) thank you for the welfare, and (enable me) to dispense with the evil of the people.] [O Allah, the creator of the heavens and the earth, knower of the unseen and seen, the beneficent, the merciful, I make a covenant in this world that VERILY YOU Are Allah, there is no god save you, one, there in no associate with you; and that Muhammad, blessing of Allah be on him on his children, is your servant and messenger. O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on his children, and do not leave me to follow my nafs (desires) even for a flash of an eyes, nor hand over me to any of your created beings, because if you do so it will bring me near to evil and keep away from good. O lord, I do not put trust in any thing save your mercy. So I deposit my covenant with you to use it on the day of judgement. Verily you do not break promise.] Recite the following DUA'A (known as the DUA'A of Imam Jafar bin Muhammad al Sadiq) 25 times. [O Allah, forgive all believing men and believing women, and all Muslim men and Muslim women.] [O Allah, I beseech you in the name of rights, Muhammad and his children have with you, to send blessing on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad and let me see and recognize (the truth), (let me) have deep insight of my religion, certainty in my heart, sincerity in my deeds, well-being of my self, enough livelihood, and let me thank you always till the end of my life.] It is written Zayn al Muttaqin that the following multi purpose DUA'A was brought by Jibrail to the Holy Prophet and said: Whoever prays it after Fajar salat and also keeps it on the body as a ta'wid' receives the following benefits: (i) protection from death by accident; (ii) exemption from the questioning by munkar and nakir in the grave; (iii) relief from the fright of abandonment and melancholy in the grave; (iv) diseases will be cured; (v) safe from oppression and exploitation; (vi) the right gates from the heaven will be thrown open for those who pray this dua'a. [There is no god save Allah, the glorious, the supreme. There is no god save Allah, the mighty, the oft forgiving. There is no god save Allah, the one, the dominating. There is no god save Allah, the single who has no associate, the only god, we surrender ourselves to his will. There is no god save Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, Ali is the vicegerent of Allah. Blessing of Allah be on his best creation, the manifestation of his pleasure, Muhammad and all his pure, pious and clean children, on account of your mercy, O the most merciful. Allah is sufficient for us, he is the best supporter, the best master, the best helper.] Recite surah al Qadr 10 times. Recite surah Yaa Seen. Recite Surah al Ikhlaas 100 times. Dua'a E Aalishaan is also Highly Recommended AFTER Z'UHR SALAT 1. Before praying the Z'uhr salat recite the following du-a'a: [Glory be to Allah. There is no god save Allah. Praise be to Allah who has not taken (unto himself) a wife, nor a son, neither He has any partner in the kingdom, nor has He any helper out of humility; and proclaim His greatness by extolling (His glory).] 2. After salaam recite tasbih' of Fatimah Zahrah. [Allah is the greatest] 34 times [Praise be to Allah] 33 times [Glory be to Allah] 33 times [There is no god save Allah] Once Recite: 3. [There is no god save ALLAH, the greatest, the loving. There is no god save ALLAH, the Lord of the exalted arsh. Praise be to ALLAH, the lord of the worlds. O Allah, I beseech you for that which brings forth Your mercy and for Your intention of forgiveness, and for safety from all sins. O Allah let there not be a single sins, not forgiven, not a worry, not dispersed, not a disease, that has not been healed, not a fault, that has not been concealed, let there be no livelihood that has not been multiplied, nor fear that has not been dispelled, no evil that has noe been turned away, and (let there be) no desire, which You approve, and benefits me, that has not been satisfied, O the most merciful of all the merciful. So be it, O lord of the worlds.] 4. [I take refuge with Allah, I rely upon Allah, I confide my affairs to Allah.] 5. [O Allah, may be my transgressions are remarkably large and notable, but you are almighty, and my short comings are considerably extraordinary, but You are supreme, and avarice (desire for more and more favours) is insatiable, but you are the owner of superabundant bounties who gives out freely at will. O Allah forgive my a great many lapses in the name of your most liberal leniency and my thousands of shortcomings through you oft-forgiving and overlooking kindness, and gratify my greed for Your bounties through Your liberal generosity. O Allah whatever advantages I have are from You - there is no god save You. I ask for your forgiveness and I turned repentant unto you.] 6. [O Allah, grant me perfect and effective faith, a tongue always praising (You), a heart full of (Your) awe and fear, a body restraining desires, useful knowledge, enough means of sustenance, and send blessings on Muhammad and on all his children, through Your mercy, O the most merciful.] 7. Recite salawat 100 times: [Blessings of Allah be on Muhammad on he children of Muhammad.] i. You will never have to take loans, even if there is a debt you owe to anyone you will get enough funds to repay it. ii. Your belief in Allah shall not only remain intact but also grow from strength to strength. iii. You will be able to fulfill your duties and obligations concerning the bounties if Allah has given you sustenance rizq akbar in large quantity in this world. 8. Recite Surah al Nab-a. AFTER A'S'R SALAT 1. After salam recite tasbih' Fatimah Zahra. [Allah is the greatest] 34 times [Praise be to Allah] 33 times [Glory be to Allah] 33 times [There is no god save Allah] Once Recite: 2. [I ask forgiveness of Allah, (who is) "There is no god save He," everliving, eternal, beneficent, merciful, owner of might and majesty. I beseech Him to accept my repentance, the repentance of a servant-insignificant, submissive, destitute, needy, worried and helpless seeking protection, who, on his own, neither can win nor lose, nor die, nor live, nor come to life again. O Allah, I run away (unto you) from an insatiable self, unremorseful heart, useless intelligence, unaccorded prayer, and unfulfilled request. O Allah I beseech You for ease in the wake of distress, joy after sorrow, comfort coming after hardship. O Allah whatever facility have in from You. There is no god save You. I ask for your forgiveness and I turn repentant unto you.] 3. [O Allah, I ask you to make me do pious deeds, and that which is lawful, prevent me from ding that which is forbidden, let me do that which is good; protect us have pity on us, admit us to your mercy, and cause us to die without ever having been seduced to evil, by your mercy, O the most merciful.] 4. Recite 100 times: [I ask forgiveness of Allah.] i. Your sins will be forgiven. ii. Your sustenance will be increased. iii. Your prayers and invocations will be accepted. 5. Recite Surah al A's'r. 6. Recite Surah al Qadr 10 times. AFTER MAGHRIB SALAT 1. Recite tasbih' of Fatimah Zahra. [Allah is the greatest] 34 times [Praise be to Allah] 33 times [Glory be to Allah] 33 times [There is no god save Allah] Once Recite: 2. [Verily Allah and His angels send blessings on the prophet. O you who believe send blessings on him and from the depth of heart say peace be on him. O Allah send blessings on the prophet Muhammad and on his progeny and on his children.] 3. Recite 7 times: [In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, and there is no stratagem and no power save with Allah, the supreme almighty.] 4. Recite 3 times: [Praise be to Allah who does that which He wills. And He who is other than He cannot do what he wants.] 5. Recite: [O Allah, I beseech for that which is required to get Your mercy, for your promise of protection and pardon concerning all transgressions and plenty in repayment of good deeds (done by me) and safety from the (punishment of) fire and from all misfortunes, gift of paradise, and (Your) pleasure there, nearness to your prophet, Muhammad, peace be on him and on his children. O Allah, all the bounties we have are from you. There is no god save You, I seek your protection, and I turn repentant unto you.] 6. [O Allah, draw me out from the hell safe and sound, allow me to enter the paradise in peace and (Your) protection, cause us to die as muslims, and join us with the pious, send blessings on Muhammad and on all his children through Your generosity and mercy. O the most merciful.] 7. [There is no god save Allah.] i. You will remain safe from the temptations of sinning. ii. Allah will be pleased with you. iii. You shall be kept safe from the ordeals every human being faces in the grave. 8. Recite Surah al Waaqi-a'h. AFTER ISHA SALAT O Allah, I certainly do not know where lies the opportunity to obtain my livelihood? Yet I, fanciful, run to and fro after every livelihood that occurs to my mind. In its search I roam about and pass through many lands, but my this quest is like that bewildered man who does not know where it is to be found-in desert, or mountain, or plain, or sky, or land, or ocean? In whose hands it is? And from whom it will be available? I know for certain that You have the knowledge and gives occasion to get the means of living. It is You who, through your love and affection, determines and distributes according to need; originates and generates through your mercy. O Allah, therefore, send blessings of Muhammad and on his children, and O Lord-nourisher give me enough means of livelihood, make it easy for me to get them, and keep its source near at hand. Let me not waste time and energy in wild goose chase for that which You have not deemed suitable for my livelihood. Verily You have unlimited means to reduce the load of my hardships, and I am badly in need of Your mercy. So send blessings on Muhammad and his children and do favour to Your servant, Verily You are the owner of great favours. Greeting another Muslim
When salaam is conveyed (when some conveys salam to you on another's behalf).
Before a meal
After having a meal
Dua for ZamZam (Holy Water)
Before wudhu (ablution)
After wudhu
When entering the masjid (mosque)
After sneezing
Reply to someone who sneezes
When a Non-Muslim sneezes
When someone is critically
When visiting the sick
Dua taught to a new muslim
When entering the toilet
When leaving the toilet, recite
followed by
Reaching the top of an incline
Repentance dua
Upon awakening
When undertaking a journey
Istikhara for nikah
Dua-e-Qunoot (read in Witr)
Essential Du'as / Supplications